Domestic groupage and full-load transportation

Domestic groupage and full-load transportation

Our groupage and full-load services are the solution to your transportation and logistics needs without issues and at competitive terms and conditions.

Groupage transportation: many advantages in a single shipment

Groupage shipping is a type of goods handling that groups together the goods of different senders and recipients located in a defined area (a country or a region) in one batch, completing a load that is transported in a single shipment. It has considerable advantages under various aspects and for everyone involved.

Environmentally friendly groupage transportation

The environmental impact of goods transportation in our country is well-known: CO2 emissions from freight road traffic have become high-risk. Every company can contribute to its reduction by choosing more sustainable shipments that are in line with the Green solutions.
This type of transportation by land, which sees the rationalisation of movement as its main feature, also means that the impact on the environment will decrease.

Organisation and logistics capability

L’efficienza del trasporto groupage viene assicurata dal nostro processo logistico e organizzativo, minuzioso e accurato in tutti gli step importanti che saranno seguiti da personale specializzato:
– stoccaggio e valutazione di ciascun carico;
– accorpamento e abbinamento merci per tipologie (fase molto delicata per salvaguardare la qualità e l’integrità dei carichi);
– preparazione del container groupage;
– disbrigo di tutte le pratiche necessarie;
– spedizione a destinazione.

Ognuna di queste fasi sarà supportata da mezzi e strumenti idonei che rendono veloci e sicure tutte le manovre.

Se invece avete bisogno di un servizio di movimentazione merci differente, visitate le aree dedicate agli altri tipi di trasporto, oppure contattateci per un servizio personalizzato.

Contact us for more information and to request a quote