Continuous tracking of shipments assigned to us from start to final destination

Continuous tracking of shipments assigned to us from start to final destination

Our personnel keeps track of each step of the shipping of goods we are asked to manage until their delivery.

Regarding international transportation, our logistics lines allow the tracking of each phase, including sorting and transit

This not only allows us to always be kept up-to-date on shipments, but also to put in place a continuous improvement system where issues may occur, as well as always assessing the best route depending on the type of journey.

Transparent shipping processes

The continuous tracking of transportation and shipments assigned to us allows us to initiate a process that is completely transparent for our customers, from pick-up to delivery to the recipient, with statuses and handling times even updated in real-time.

Each phase is documented to allow you to personally assess the efficiency of the chosen transportation solution.

Utmost tracking for perishable goods

We employ the utmost attention for particular products, such as perishable goods or others that need to be delivered strictly within a certain amount of time to avoid deterioration.

Ad hoc planning and timely missions

All logistics and distribution operations are part of a process in which our IT systems and the utmost care taken in performing checks, as well as continuous updates on the status of the shipment, also allow us to manage changes to delivery activities in real-time; this allows us to adjust to changes in planning made by our customers.